Monday, May 30, 2011

Review Tool

I don't know about you but I'm, burned-out. Here's a link to some PowerPoint templates I've been using to help review for the civics and economics EOC.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How I use Technology in my Classroom

I love technology.  I use the promethean board (just another brand for smart board)  then it broke.  I was devastated because I was loving it.  Then I ask for a projector in the media center so I have something to use in my classroom.  I believe that technology help my students engage at all times in the learning process.  Just using the computer, I am able to teach all the students who have different learning needs. 



I use the smartboard everyday in my classroom. I can use it for many things. I like to use the document camera to put my students illustrations of a sentence they made with a chosen vocabulary word. The other students enjoy viewing the picture to try to figure out which vocabulary word was chosen.
Nice picture!  I would be lost without my computer, SMART board and document camera.  I use them every day.  My students love the interactive activities we do.

EC teacher

Lisa: Hi! I also use technology daily this creates a non-threatening environment for students that struggle with traditional methods of teaching.
I like to have my students make podcasts instead of giving oral reports. This way, they can share their work with family and friends.
The favorite piece of technology for my students is the SMART Board.

Technology in Kindergarten

Smartboard is one of the technology tools me and my students use everyday in class. I use a document camera to show pictures in the book I read. Also, kids are thrilled when I focus the document camera to them when we sing our morning song, days of the week, months of the year and weather song.

Tech in my Kindergarten classroom

I teach Kindergarten in a Charter School. In my school, we don't have the technology that most schools have in our county. I have limited technological tools in my classroom like, the computer and the digital camera. Once in a while, my class can go to the computer lab to have an experience with world wide web. I use my computer to present lessons and use it as a center area for my students. I mostly use the PowerPoint and Microsoft Word. Although, I have limited use of technology, I try to maximize it for my students' learning. I am still looking for other ways in which I can integrate other tools into my classroom.

Smartboard Integration

I teach Special Education in pull-out and inclusive settings. Due to the limited amount of time that I have with my students and the direct instruction curriculum that I am required to teach, I incorporate technology as a support service. I have a Smartboard in my classroom and this piece is great when trying to help students visualize and hear instruction in order to reflect and build upon background knowledge. The endless possibilities made available by interactive whiteboards helps support students with learning disabilities.

Using Tech In Dreyer's Den

I use tech in my classroom every day!
Here is a link to my (very disorganized but full) teacher page that my students use often:
Here is a link to my Lesley assignment website (or the first stages anyways). I'm trying to make everything a link!

Here We Are!

Our First Post!

Hello from Chad, Barry, Jane and Corinna.